GM Group Services

7 Signs That the Security Guard Company You Hired Is Failing

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7 Signs That the Security Guard Company You Hired Is Failing

It is important to ensure the safety of your property, staff and visitors by engaging with a reliable security service provider. Not only do they offer an additional layer of protection, but they also make sure that everything runs smoothly. Unfortunately, there are instances where a security protection agency can fail you. Here are 7 warning signs to watch out for that could signal that the security guard company you hired is failing.

Poor Task Execution

One of the main responsibilities of a security guard is to execute important tasks assigned to them. If the security guards on your premises are not completing their tasks or are not performing them according to set standards, this is a telltale sign that the security guard company you hired is failing.

Poor Timing

Another key duty of a security guard is to be able to reach the premises they are tasked with protecting in a timely fashion. If the security guards are consistently late to the post, this is a sign that the security guard company you are working with is letting you down.

High Staff Turnover

High staff turnover is almost always a sign of an unhealthy organisational culture and could be an indication that the security guard company you hired is not providing a conducive work environment. It could also be a result of a lack of motivation or poor wages and benefits, which is not ideal if you are looking for reliable security support.

Lack of Supervision

In order for corporate security services to be successful, they must have a strong chain of command. Each guard must be supervised by a superior at all times in order to ensure that they are following protocols and regulations. If a company is not supervising its guards, then it is likely that they will not be able to provide the level of security that is expected.

Ineffective Communication

Without clear communication, it is impossible for the security guards to be effective. If the security guard company you hired is unable to stay in touch with its team in an effective manner and provide clear instructions, this is a strong indication that their services are not up-to-par.

Violation of Safety Protocols

Safety comes first when it comes to security. Any violation of safety protocols by the security guards is a clear sign that the security service provider is not doing their job properly.

Lack of Equipment

Good security guard companies invest heavily in the latest security equipment to ensure that their guards are able to carry out their duties effectively. If the security guards are inadequately equipped, then it could be a sign that the security service provider you hired is not making the necessary investments.

Complaints From Visitors

If people who visit your premises are raising complaints about the security service provider you have hired, this is a surefire sign that they are failing. No matter how reliable and efficient they are, if they are not creating a good impression on your visitors, it could ultimately damage your reputation.


Choosing a reliable security service provider is essential, as they play an important role in ensuring the safety and security of your premises. However, if you notice any of the above warning signs, it is important to take action as soon as possible to ensure that you are not compromising on safety.

If you want a security services company that has a good reputation and one that you can rely on, consider GM Group Services. We are a security protection agency that provides security solutions tailored to your individual needs. We have a team of highly trained and experienced security professionals who are committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our corporate security services and how we can help keep your premises safe and secure,